Regarding the recruitment of agricultural field workers, we have access to diverse national, state and local job boards; as well as a wide network of agricultural contractors in several rural areas of Mexico; therefore we reach out to experienced farmers in the type of agricultural work requested by the client.

Once the candidates with sufficient agricultural experience have been contacted for the vacancy, a professional recruiter analyses their resumes and selects the applicants in order to begin interviews.
A first interview is conducted with the candidates to review fundamental topics such as immigration status, criminal records, family configuration, location of family members living abroad and economic situation. If the candidates meet all the requirements, they are then ready for the psychological evaluations.



The candidate has to complete a series of psychometric tests that are specifically designed to match the requested position. As a result of this psychometry, we obtain an analysis of the candidate's psychosocial skills and competences, which are compared with the ideal profile for the position and each candidate receives their own file.


This is a more in-depth interview and it is designed to evaluate the candidate's skills, specialized knowledge, personal resources and their mental stability. These interviews are carried out by psychologists trained for recruiting by performing a multidimensional evaluation of the candidates, focusing on their work commitment, mental stability and stress management.


The last interview in the psychological evaluation is conducted by clinical psychologists and psychoanalysts, who create an overall assessment of the candidate in order to dismiss any type of pathology or personality tendencies that may cause difficulties during the candidate's stay in the United States or Canada.



A doctor performs a medical evaluation and creates a clinical file of the candidates to evaluate their health and dismiss any condition that may impede their job performance and that may put their health at risk during their stay in the United States or Canada.


Each of the candidates is asked to submit laboratory analyses that are interpreted by an medical internist, in order to dismiss any chronic disease or serious pathology. Likewise, an anti-doping test is required to rule out any type of addiction or drug dependency.


Once the candidates have completed all their tests, a broad file is available for each of them to proceed to select the best applicants for the job.

When the best candidates are selected, they are informed about the immigration processes that they will have to complete  in order to start their contract.


Once the candidates have all their immigration documents ready, they are helped through a careful logistical process in order to be able to relocate from their communities to the city of Tijuana in Baja California, where all the logistics of accommodation, food and transportation is organized so that they can attend their appointment (previously requested) at the American Visa Applicants Service Center (CAS) and afterwards attend their interview at the North American Consulate.


Finally, all workers who obtain their temporary work visa are divided into groups for their transportation to their workplace in the United States. In our team we have staff experienced in migration procedures, which are also in charge of organizing the transportation of workers to the border, supporting them when crossing into the United States and once there by accommodating them in their new residences